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- Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 13:46:57 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 01:28 EST
- Subject: Gem List (Please Post!) (fwd)
- Subject: Gem List (Please Post!)
- Subject: winlib...
- Subject: Re: Gem List (fwd)
- Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 13:46:57 -0400 (EDT)
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- Forwarded message:
- >From 0006795560@mcimail.com Fri Jul 22 02:31:05 1994
- Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 01:28 EST
- From: "Daniel J. Hollis" <0006795560@mcimail.com>
- To: ems <gem-list-approval@world.std.com>
- Subject: Gem List (Please Post!)
- Message-Id: <33940722062833/0006795560PK2EM@mcimail.com>
- Michael:
- --------
- > The reason I mentioned the keyboard is because the user will expect output
- > to go to the top window when typing. This has been a key aspect of
- > GEM forever, and the user will expect it to hold true. If there is
- > not top window, or output goes to a window that is not topped, that
- > is a confusing behaviour. Perhaps XWindows handles this nicely, but
- > it -started- that way. Changing now would confuse the user
- > needlessly.
- What has this got to do with anything? WinLIB PRO always has the keyboard
- focus on the topped window. To do otherwise is confusing. I don't know why
- you brought this up, since WinLIB PRO doesn't do that.
- > >GEM is not going to change to match my philosophy; so we're writing a
- > >GEM Library to *match* the philosophy. There is no reason why users have
- > >to be stuck in the dark ages in terms of a user interface.
- > I'm not sure I understand your emphasis? Match -what-? The GEM
- > philosophy (topped windows and all the other stuff you hate but is
- > standard) or your own philosophy? Coud you be more clear on this.
- My philosophy : I want a *consistent*, *intuitive*, *easy to use*, *easy to
- program* GUI that is powerful and fast. Currently GEM is *none* of these.
- "Normal" GEM is inconsistent, non-intuitive, tricky to use, and more
- difficult than it needs to be to program (AES 4.0 doesn't help anything).
- WinLIB fixes all of these problems in one go.
- Clear enough?
- > > That is exactly the kind of thing I hate, auto-window-topping. If you had
- > > actually read my message, you would have realized that.
- > I did read your message, and I thought that this was a nice suggestion.
- > If you do not want to top windows yourself, why not let the system do
- > it so that you do not have to deal with it? From the way you speak, this
- > offends you to the core of your being... :)
- The problem here is that *I* want to be in control of the GUI, not let the
- GUI control me. Therefore, I want to decide when windows get topped. And if
- I want to access gadgets without having to top a window, I don't want to be
- forced to use a *non-intuitive* method to access those gadgets (i.e. the
- stupid left+right button combo).
- > > It's confusing in that it's a non-consistent GUI design. There is no
- > > reason why programmers have to be content with atari's stupid mistakes.
- > There is one reason; the user expects it. Small changes that improve the
- > design are fine, of course, but major changes that shatter the old
- > design are not fine.
- It always makes me wonder why people are content living in the dark ages.
- > > Other than the idiotic design in AES 4.x for hierarchical menus.
- > I was talking about the menu layout, not the method of building a
- > hierarchical menu. I haven't honestly looked at that.
- Look at it, and you'll find you will never look at AES 4.x quite the same
- way again. :-)
- > > We *did* do it right. If you had a copy of the demo program and used it,
- > > you would never be able to tell that we do these so-called "time
- > > wasting" things, unless we told you.
- > Okay, Ken. _Send_ me a copy, if you are willing, and I will look at it
- > and summarize the experience to the list. Does this sound fair? I'll
- > look at it objectively and tell you what I think. This is about the
- > tenth time you've said to someone that if they had only seen the
- > demo copy they would be Might[ily] Impressed. Well, if you were honestly
- > offering, then send me a copy to mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
- > and I will look at it and (maybe) be Might Impressed.
- Actually, we *did* upload to the conference, but Yat declined to post it on
- the basis that 'not everyone can use uudecode/unzip'. Shallow excuse
- especially when other binaries have been posted to this conference in
- exactly the same method.
- I'm amazed at how much your attitude towards me has changed over the last
- year. Since we've not talked to each other since I sent you the last version
- of WinLIB PRO, you've all-of-the-sudden got sour towards me. Although I
- don't take this personally, this is rather interesting when it comes toward
- a person who was highly praising my library on ForemNET a year ago... If
- you keep talking down about it, why would you even WANT a copy of the
- library? I'll go ahead and send it to you anyway.
- > > Wrong. Our library is much *smaller* than Gem++, yet has many more
- > > features. The resulting executables that do the *same thing* as the
- > > equivalent Gem++ program are generally several times *smaller*, not to
- > > mention *faster*.
- > GEM++ is a mega-library, though. Of course it is big. As for the size
- > and speed, consider that you are using Pure C and GEM++ uses the
- > monster-compiler C++. How big is your library compared to EGEM, or
- > SGEM, or ForceGEM? Those are the biggest libraries I can think of
- > for Pure C. How does your library fit in with these? (What is the
- > actual SIZE of your library, for example?)
- The size of WinLIB PRO (the old version) is 159,744 bytes (and this is
- assuming that you will use *everything* in the library). WinLIB PRO
- obviously strives for efficiency not simply in code size, but speed and
- simplicity as well.
- XAES (the reworked version of WinLIB PRO) is 238,592 bytes. Remember
- of course that only the parts of the library that you use get linked into
- your executable.
- Tell me, where can I get SGEM, or ForceGEM? What FTP sites, since I've never
- heard of or seen these libraries.
- > > Maybe you'll become confused by a straighforward GUI design, but I think
- > > you'll be just about the only one. :-) Changing the mouse button
- > > requirements for selection of a topped dialog and a background dialog are
- > > totally against a sane GUI design. But then again, nobody ever claimed
- > > atari is sane :-)
- > Er, what? I never said you should have to push a different button to use
- > a background window. I like the way Atari does it with MultiTOS, where
- > you can use the left mouse button to operate the gadgets of a background
- > window.
- Notice the *key word* here. >>DIALOG<<, not >>WINDOW<<. So, it's o.k. to
- operate background window gadgets with the left mouse button but it's not
- o.k. to use the same button by itself for background dialog buttons? Talk
- about inconsistent! :-)
- >Yet you criticize us for improving on the wheel. Where do you draw the line?
- > I draw the line at the point where you start changing the GUI so completely
- > that a casual GEM-user would be confused by your changes. Programs that
- > are hard to learn do not get used, unless they are really, really great
- > programs.
- WinLIB PRO is easy to use, as the extended functionality is simply intuitive
- extensions of what the user already knows. Unlike some of atari's
- 'extended features' which are decidedly non-intuitive. WinLIB strives to have
- a CONSISTENT, INTUITIVE user interface, whereas 'other' people seem to strive
- for exactly the opposite :-)
- There are no major changes that would confuse the user, ie. with the custom
- windows, the settings are the same (albeit there are other settings like
- OPTIONS, ICONIFY, and CASCADE.) There is nothing different about handling
- the windows, just that you have to use my custom routines (WWindGet and
- WWindSet.) In the source I'm sending you, you'll see this.
- > > WinLIB PRO was designed after intensive study of over *20* GUI libraries.
- > > It incorporates the best ideas of all of them (we steal from the best, and
- > > forget the rest :-) WinLIB PRO is extremely powerful, yet extremely
- > > easy to use. WinLIB PRO does most of the work for you, with an extremely
- > > straightforward, simple API.
- > If you send a copy of the demo program to me, I'll be more than happy
- > to take a look at it and report my findings to the list about whether or
- > not you have the key to GUI perfection. Mind you, if it crashes my
- > system I'll mention that too.
- Fine with me. The last thing I need is a bashing about a library that has
- not yet been released, and is not yet FIT to be released.
- > "good", wouldn't you? Oh, by the way, SozobonX apparently works with
- > the Falcon. Pure C, on the other hand, does not.
- Bzzt. Game over. Pure C works *FINE* with the Falcon. It always has. Pure C
- 1.1 even has bindings *FOR* the Falcon. Where did you ever get that bizarre
- misconception that it didn't work on the Falcon? It isn't based on FIRST HAND
- > I think that if people in this conference spoke more from EXPERIENCE and
- > less from OPINION, we would be much more productive.
- > I'm not sure I follow your comment. My -experience- is that I do not know
- > assembly language, and therefore have no real use for an assembly level
- > debugger. What on earth can you possibly object to in that?
- I was applying it not only to assembler level debuggers, I was applying it
- to this conference in general. I've noticed that people have been slinging
- around comments about things (like the Pure C thing above) without having
- EXPERIENCE. Just slinging stuff around based on OPINION and not EXPERIENCE
- is a definite no-no.
- > > (I could go into a discussion on memory fragmentation from alloc'ing and
- > > free'ing memory for dynamically growing and shrinking a listbox, but I
- > > digress...)
- > You could, but why? You could also mention that using Malloc() more than
- > sixteen times on a TOS 1.0 machine will crash it. Not an easy problem
- > to get around. None of this is on topic, though.
- With PowerDOS this is not a problem. But I digress :-)
- --Dan Hollis
- ----------
- Subject: winlib...
- > some are talking about winlib as the best thing ever made on the atari. But
- > is it possible to have a look at this? (demo versions, ...). Then we could
- > say which library is the best for programmers and users. There are so many
- > librairies available (wega, e_gem, gem++, sys_gem, magic, etc).
- If Yat would actually POST the file we sent to the list... geez.... Where
- can I get WEGA, or Sys_Gem?
- --Dan Hollis
- ----------
- Subject: Re: Gem List (fwd)
- Warwick:
- > Are you talking about WinLIB PRO? Ken once sent me a demo version. It
- > died a horrible death under my NOVA VDI.
- What version of NOVA VDI were you using? Other people have used it on
- NOVA cards (and various other video cards) with no problems. On the other
- hand, old versions of the NOVA VDI drivers have numerous bugs.
- --Dan Hollis
- ----------